About Us

Welcome to Wizards of Lock

We have been running since 2012 when the main man Big Al started drifting, what started as a small idea turned into something much bigger.

Since then we have been constantly developing and testing our products, as well as adding to the product range.

All welding work is carried out by Big Al himself who has over 20 years experience in the trade and is a coded tig welder.

Our products are all tested on our own vehicles at Buxton Raceway, a track known for harshness and an unforgiving steel wall that runs all the way round the circuit.

All of which have been subjected to the stresses and strain of drifting before being released for sale.

Our product range is currently running in the BDC, Drift Cup, FDC, RDC, IDC, Fueltopia Barrell sprint as well as products being used internationally.

2018 is the year for our big push, launching our website and pushing sales instead of just relying on the power of social media.

We also hope to have our main project car on track this year, big Al's wide-arch 3 litre supercharged e36 saloon.

As well as a 318is e36 coupe budget car that will be built and driven by big Al's 15 year old daughter.

We at Wizards of Lock believe in customer satisfaction and are always happy to give advice on vehicle setup and what products are best suited to your level of drifting.

wizardsoflock.com and wizards of lock is a trading name of alans welding ltd